Episode 17: Melissa Obrotka, RDH, HuFriedy KOL, Innovator, and MOMgienist

momgienists Feb 21, 2017

Christie and Jasmin had the pleasure of interviewing Melissa Obrotka, RDH. She is a Hu-Friedy KOL, Owner of RDH Innovations LLC, 2016 ADHA/HuFriedy Master Clinician Recipient, and an amazing MOMgienist.


Christie and Jasmin could not stop talking with Melissa. She is real, inspiring, and empowering for all MOMgienists who are reaching for the stars while maintaining their role as a Mom.

Melissa, Christie, and Jasmin got real quick! Motherhood is a blessing but also has its challenges. Reaching heights of excellence in our profession requires determination and support while achieving. These MOMgienists will have your back and will root you on! Don't get caught by the imposter syndrome!

Enjoy this great episode and forgive Jasmin for "clicking" her mouse! :)


Where to find Melissa: 
LinkedIn: Click here
Facebook: Click hereEmail: [email protected]
Recent articles: Hu-Friedy and Dental Implants

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